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Corporate Artwork
Cards For Everyone
Personalised Artwork
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Whether it's for a special Birthday, anniversary or Christmas, we'll produce a personalised card that will amaze you! 

Just imagine a card like the one here, which was produced for Tessera Group in the UK, but with all YOUR family or colleagues smiling back at you!

Corporate Christmas cards tend to have a very short shelf-life, but nobody throws away a HJD card, and your clients will remember you went to that extra effort.  Talk to us about our special series discounts too!

We can professionally incorporate digital photos of your chosen group into a card, or why not have a bespoke cartoon drawing for an even better effect?

Here's a personalised card produced for a well known local musician.  The lute player is a cartoon version of Martin himself, with his wife as the maiden.  Needless to say, they were delighted with the final result.

Need to get your message across?  We can quickly and economically tailor a wide range of beautifully detailed cartoons for any occasion.

What better way to say "I'm Sorry" than with a bespoke card to your loved one.  We can even arrange for it to be delivered with a bunch of flowers if you've been REALLY bad!

Need a skit on a famous picture?Fancy a really clever charicature?
No topic too morbid!No project too tasteless!
Corporate promotions our speciality!Who's that Man on the bed?  Join the
Rich and Famous with HJD...

See our Special Offers page for some great offers on personalised cards!
