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It's that time of year when nobody wants to think about Christmas or the New Year.  But that's the best time for starting work on your 2003 Christmas Card or 2004 Calendar!

Front cover (above) and
inside (left) artwork for
one of our recent
Christmas Cards.

You wouldn't BELIEVE
the amount of research
that went into
the motorised buggy!

Yes, until 30th June 2003, any orders placed for 2003 Christmas Cards or 2004 HJD Calendars will be produced at....... 25% OFF OUR NORMAL RATES

And Finally, here's your chance to win a personalised Christmas Card FOR FREE!
Simply email us on info@highjumpingdog.com telling us the hidden phrase or saying in the following picture:

We'll decide who's won around October and announce the result in plenty of time for the lucky winner to get the card for Chrizzy and Wow their friends!

Warning:  It's very corny!
