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IF you're anywhere near beautiful Coffs Harbour or somewhat cooler London, then call us on 0266 517456 (Coffs) or 07831 208080 (London) and we'll set up a meeting or chat through your requirements.

OR   Please send us an email to Dennis on dennis.richards@highjumpingdog.com
or to Leigh on leigh.berkley@highjumpingdog.com then we'll get our people to call your people via satellite etc etc....

OR   If you need general information on HJD, please send an email with your questions to info@highjumpingdog.com and we'll do our best to reply same day

OR   If you're further afield, we'll generally chat through your requirements on the phone or by email, then we can send draft artwork to you either in Acrobat pdf format or by post for approval.  Once we agree the full concept,  we can either meet or agree final details by email.

OR   If all else fails, drop us a snailmail to:

56 Bailey Avenue
Coffs Harbour
NSW 2450
