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Dennis Richards is the Artistic Genius behind HJD.  That's another $10 he owes me!

Seriously though, Dennis is a renowned and published cartoonist and graphic artist.  He's been producing fabulous Christmas and Birthday cards, calendars and paintings for friends and clients alike for years (see the Products pages for some examples), but always seems to come up with something new, funny and very special.

When he's not living the latest project, Dennis makes professional music (check out the 1976 Malacuda video!) and was a surfing champ in the USA in 'is yoof.

He's talented and friendly, and loves the challenge of making people smile.

Leigh Berkley is the Co-Founder and "Brains" of the operation.

Leigh hopes some day to spend the English winter in Australia, and the Australian winter in England.  Should be a good plan until the tax authorities catch up with him!

As well as looking after the management side of HJD, Leigh owns a large stake in a successful UK public company, was a chartered accountant ("until I got better", he says) and likes to play competitive tennis and even more competitive Victoria Bitter games.

Like Dennis, Leigh is totally committed to giving HJD clients the very best service at the best possible price.  "Good on 'im!"

The fearless Dennis
confronts another
new project for HJD!
